The term “Gone West”,
referring to deceased, is
said to have originated by Allied forces on the western front in World War
I. The front between the German and Allied forces ran basically north and
south. Thus when Allied casualties were taken off the battlefield, they
were taken West, behind the front lines. So a battlefield casualty was
sometimes referred to as a soldier who had Gone West. Now, most
commonly, “Gone West” is used to refer to a military veteran who has passed
Norm Achen
Vic Alexander
Bob Anderson
Herb Anderson
Wayne Anderson
Stan Bailey
John Batista
Truman Benedict
John Benson
Doug Best
Jim Betcone
Lou Blake
Jack Broward
Glen Buer
Byron Cramblet
Earl Chaney
Charlotte "Charlie" Cornelius
Bill Compton
Al Crawford
Jim Dalby
Ron Daets
Ray Delacqua
Howard "Jack" Dentz
Dick Demory
Urban "Ben" Drew
Jerry Dufour
Fred Dungan
Ray Ecklund
Lute Eldridge
Dave Feller
Fred Ferrazzano
Stew Fox
Carlton Gardner
Buck Garrison
Fred Gehrmann
Herb Gordon
Bob Gottschalk
Bill Guier
Vern Henderson
Bill Hosmer
Leslie Jantz
Max Jesperson
Warren Johnston
John "Jack" Kellogg
Joe Kennedy
Bill Kent
Tom Kinsley
Ray Krasovich
Harris Lee
Bob MacGregor
Bob Marini
Pete Madison
Lew Maynard
Bob Meyer
John McPherson
Everet"Bud" Miller
Al Mills
Lee Mundorff
George Naff
Ron Nash
Pat O'Brien
Robin Olds
Ben Ogas
David Pederson
Steve Pisanos
Jim Rhodes
Frank Ritchie
Russell Roeder
Vern Rowley
Bill Ryherd
Dick Rossi
Denny Schafer
Bernie Schechter
Ernst Scheufele
Walter Struck
John Simone
Doe Sloan
George Smith
Bob Stace
Cort Stark
John Steiger
Bob Stoffey
John Taylor
Jack Templeton
Ray Toliver
Bobbi Trout
Richard Vogenitz
Irv Waldman
Jay Walker
Bob Wallace
Charles Watry
Bill Weldon
John Wickman
Bob Winks
Philip Wiltse
Bob Wright
Ken Zerda |